Flashback: Willem

Oversized fashion, including items like shirts and jumpers, has only recently become a 'trend'. My dad, Willem, however just wore it because he liked it. He grew up during the 1970's in the Netherlands throwing on a jumper over jeans before his six mile cycle to school. Fashion for him then wasn't calculated, clothing just had to be practical and comfortable, that was it. However now, oversized clothing is fashionable with shirts like the one in the photo above been a fashion staple for many men and women.
Along with my mum, he always jokes to me that fashion hasn't changed at all in 30 years. Yes, the odd trend will crop up and everyone will start wearing it, like embroidered items for example. But staples such as denim and certain items that are now considered 'vintage' have remained the same.
When asking him about this shirt, he couldn't remember where or when he bought it, all he knew was that it was cheap and wanted to look a bit cooler than a baggy sweatshirt so went for..an oversized shirt. Paired with blue denim jeans, this look is not a rare one in 2017.

Now, my younger brother practically replicates his style from when he was in his twenties, and he finds himself constantly commenting 'oh I used to have something like that' when he sees a new outfit. In the photo above, Willem is wearing an oversized jacket with denim jeans and a simple black t-shirt. Going all the way back to 1988, this jacket is similar to those in vintage shops now and again, is oversized.
Although oversized is a trend now, it's not as simple as it was when my dad wore it. Now, you wear oversized pieces as a fashion statement, rather than for practicality or comfort. The style of pieces has also changed, with 'oversized' being a description of the clothes, not just a fact.