Molly and Natasha

Molly: "My Nan was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September and she always wore such beautiful jewellery. since her passing I have inherited some of her most important pieces including the necklace/earring combination featured in this story.

"I love these pieces because she wore them to my mum and dad's wedding before I was born so not only does it provide me with a connection to my late Nan but also my parents. my dad's relationship with my Nan was so strong and so by wearing these items, I like to think that a piece of her lives on through me to give him a sense of comfort."

Natasha: "The locket is special to me because my grandma gave me it on my 18th birthday along with some inheritance. I don't see her much especially after my dad re-married and I miss her a lot. So it makes me feel close to her and my Grandad who passed away 9 years ago.

"It's a way of knowing they're still here with me even if I can't see them as much as I like and it comforts me knowing that someone on my paternal family is thinking of me."

Photos: Elise Tel