
"As a child I practically lived in my dungarees. It is funny to think that even now at 20, when the sun is out my go to outfit is no different! I wouldn't say that my younger self has influenced my fashion sense now but I love the childish element about them.

"I like how simple outfits with them are, yet they're not boring. I have a few pairs but I have some good memories in these dungarees. They remind me of summer, which is always a happy time. There's just something positive about when the sun is shining and I associate my dungarees with this.

"Without sounding too cringey, I guess they are a nice reminder of a carefree childhood. Even as a young adult, with the stress of uni, it makes you look back and wish you appreciated being so ignorant to the world more. Nonetheless, I love these dungarees and would happily wear them into my 80's!"

Photos: Elise Tel