Flashback: Pete

Double denim was hugely popular in the 90s. Back then, it was a upcoming trend that everyone was getting involved with - it was seen as cool fashionable. It's weird how, only ten years after it was a trend, it became deemed as uncool.
Pete first started wearing double denim because it became a trend and popular 35 years ago, as it was influenced by music groups who used double denim as a staple outfit.
But as with all fashion, it's coming back. Denim is such a versatile and staple garment in the fashion world, that it doesn't even surprise us that it is coming back. You'll find people wanting to look hipster and edgy giving this look a try, - and even actually pulling it off!
It's strange looking back and thinking about how Denim used to be worn by workers. Workers wore this because of it's strength and durability. According to Denim Blog, denim was made in the 1800's as American gold miners needed clothing that was strong. Therefore Leob Strauss started selling denim clothes to people who needed it - his business got highly successful and his company Levi is still running as well as it did back then now!
There are no rules to wearing double denim, just work it.