
"This shirt is probably the most sentimental piece in my wardrobe, it belonged to my grandad on my mum’s side of the family. I always hear stories from my mum and my uncle about how amazing, gentle and kind he was, and how he took care of my grandma when her father did not.

"He’s the only man I’ve ever known to have played the accordion religiously, and there’s a photo of him sat on a stool in a bar he used to play at, wearing this green shirt.
"Seeing that photo gives me such a warm feeling sometimes, it’s nice. The sad thing is he died before I was born, so I never met him despite all the wonderful things I’ve been told about him.

"The shirt got passed down to my mum after he died, and there’s another photo I love from when I was a baby and my mum is wearing it. It gives me a sense of comfort knowing that even though he’s not here and even though we never met, it feels like a part of him is still here with me.
"Weird, seeing as I probably wouldn’t remember if I had have met him, but still it’s comforting to have. I love wearing the shirt almost as an ode to him, and it makes me feel close to the man I know so much about but never knew.

"My family are soppy when it comes to things like this, but it does make me think about him a lot. What would he think of me? Would he be proud of me? Of who I’ve become? I really really hope so."