
"Football is my absolute number one passion and I couldn't imagine my life without it. My dad is the reason I started playing football when I was younger, and this top was originally his until he have it to me after losing a bet."
"After coming home with a newer version of this top, I told him he already owned it, but he said he didn't. Knowing I was right, I said that if it was found that I was to keep it. It was eventually found and so that's how I got it, but the connection with the top goes deeper than that."

"My dad has always been such a big supporter of me, and is the reason I support Man United.
"When I wear it, it not only reminds me of the silly bet, which we both found hilarious.
"But it also remind me of why I started playing football, when I started playing and most importantly, it reminds me of my dad and the support he's always given me."