
"My jacket means a lot to me as it used to belong to my Grandad. He had lung cancer, he kind of brought on himself though from smoking three packs a day but he was already getting Alzheimers by the end of it.
I was given it the week after Christmas. I can't remember the exact day but we picked up all his stuff from the nursing home around then, and the jacket was one of his possessions we got.

"He's been a big part of my life, like my middle name is Alan because I was named after him, because my mum wanted us to have a part of her side of the family - since my last name my dad's last name.
I was very close to my Grandad, he was always around when I needed him. He was quite a grumpy sod, quite argumentative but he was always a family man at the same time.
One thing I said at the funeral was that he absolutely adored Christmas Eve because he loved our family and how everyone was together, and he got to see his grandchildren playing and opening their presents.

But, he was pretty ill on Christmas Eve and passed away the day away. I miss him quite a lot, that's why I wear the jacket most of the time because it reminds me of him.
I like wearing the jacket because it's like a home comfort because it's like I'm still around him. It kind of makes me feel like he's watching over me and he's still here, even though physically he isn't.