
"This top actually used to be my housemate’s, she bought it as she liked the statement look of it. I think she got it a year or so ago when everyone was saying ‘free the nipple’ and really taking a stand for feminism. Not that they weren’t before but I feel it was a great turning point last year.

"She was having a clear out and this was one of the tops she wanted to get rid of, there was something about it that made me want it. I’m not sure why, I just find it funny and it’s not something I’d usually wear. I also don’t think that boobs should be so taboo y’know and maybe by wearing this t-shirt other people will see that too? Especially since the women’s marches recently I feel making a statement and a stand is important. "In a simpler way owning this t-shirt coincided with my interest in minimalism. I watched a documentary and it really made me think about the items I buy. So, by reusing something from my housemate, rather than going out and buying something brand-new I feel I’m getting involved in that minimalism ideal.

"Either way it’s a comfy tee and I like the way it fits! It’s good for lazy days or days when you can’t be bothered to do much. The graphic tee kinda does the talking for you.
I’m sure it’s a top that won’t be popular with everyone but that’s the point."