
“I’m the kind of person that associates my clothes with memories I made whilst wearing them. When I wear this skirt it makes me happy because it reminds me of when I went to London with my dad. We usually do stuff as a whole family so it’s rare that I spend time with my dad on my own.

It was actually his first time in London, so it was fun for us to visit all the touristy stuff together. Just general exploring as well because there’s so much to do and see in London.
It’s definitely become a skirt that now holds sentimental value, which I would never have imagined seeing as it’s only from Primark! Guess it shows that clothes sometimes end up being a great way to remind yourself of moments in your life.

As I’m at uni right now, it’s nice that when I put on this skirt it reminds me of my dad and of home. I have quite a few items of clothing in my wardrobe which also have similar happy memories associated with them.”