Flashback: Josephine

As my mum always likes to remind me - 'fashion always comes back around', and I have to admit she isn't wrong.
It's just emphasised in the clothes she used to wear, take the photo above for example. This outfit features a funky patterned shirt and paired with a classic, white high-waisted skirt. It's crazy to think she wore this when she was only 18 and still living in the Philippines, because this is something I would definitely wear and class as 'vintage'.
Turtlenecks have been around for hundreds of years, but originally started as protective wear. According to Jessica Bucci, "During medieval times knights wore chainmail frequently, and subsequently, experienced severe chafing frequently." Which then started off the invention of high neck clothing.
It is the 90s' which influenced and really popularised the turtle-neck. It became feminine and chic, and soon became a staple in every young woman's wardrobe. It wasn't just loved by women though, even the famous Apple founder Steve Jobs liked to wear high-neck tops.

Whilst, turtle necks have always been in fashion - it's only returned to fashion recently since being overlooked and forgotten at the start of the 2000s. Check New Look for example, if you look in their knitwear section - it now features an array of high neck jumpers. The best part about this feature is that it brings attention to your face.
And, these staple patterns will brings colour to your outfit - like with my mum, her skirt makes this outfit. The pairing of the skirt really distinguishes the look from being casual to stylish.
Her fashion bravery gives me inspo to not be afraid to wear clothes with strange patterns - as long as you match it well and don't clash patterns.

But this is an outfit that has influenced my style the most. I didn't think high-waisted jeans were a big fashion thing until a few years ago when they were introduced primarily by Topshop. But I was so wrong.
I stumbled onto this picture of when my mum was only 16 or 17 years old, and it's so minimalistic and simple but works so well. The belt adds definition to her tiny waist and the button up shirt allows the style to be clean but also casual.
I love how my mum effortlessly put this items of clothes together but had no intention of looking fashionable. She just wanted to be comfortable, exactly how she feels now. Fashion isn't just about looking good, it's about really feeling yourself and comfortable in what you're wearing. And, I think that ideal is just really inspiring. I'm glad to say that my mum has completely inspired my fashion taste, even though I see it as vintage - it's still current in today's trends.