
"My first ring, I got just under 3 years ago and it was a present from my boyfriend at the time. It's the one with the heart on it. It wasn't for a birthday or anything but it was actually a present to say sorry for getting into a fight at a party we went to. I would have just accepted an apology and didn't expect to get a ring, but he knew how to put a smile on my face and to really say sorry! Even over a year after breaking up it never leaves my finger.

"My second was the one that's underneath it, which is another beautiful Pandora one that my sister got me for my 20th birthday. I love receiving a gift that is a ring or a piece jewellery because it is always with you. I also love that it sits perfectly with the one above it - they go really to well together.

"The last one is the turtle ring that I got just recently in September during a trip to Hawaii. This one really is symbolic because I was lucky enough to swim with wild turtles whilst I was out there which was an incredible experience. I love having the little reminder on my finger all the time. The only problem with this one though is that his legs get caught on EVERYTHING ! Although this doesn't stop me from wearing it all the time - I'm willing to put up with it.

"They all feel part of me and although that sounds weird it's strangely true. Like the feeling when you go to feel for your phone in your pocket and it's not there - I get that if a rings missing. They will be there for a long while to come.